Episode 80 Weaning Part 1: Ending BodyFeeding

Are you feeling ready to be done with your nursing journey? This is part one of two part series on weaning. Next week will be all about weaning from the pump which has different considerations. If you are feeling ready to wean from feeding your baby from your own body no matter how long you have breastfed or chestfed, this episode is for you.

Lo Nigrosh, IBCLC and mother of two breastfed babies and toddlers (who are now elementary aged) discusses:

  • The recommended age of weaning

  • Why YOUR mental and physical matter more than the recommended age of weaning

  • Considerations for weaning children younger than 1

  • Various methods of weaning for babies under 1

  • Various strategies of weaning for toddlers

  • Where you can find books about weaning for toddlers

Listen to Episode 63 about Paced Bottle Feeding called Protecting Your Milk Supply While Bottle Feeding Apple and on Spotify.

Head to Apple Podcasts or Spotify for more Milk Making Minutes episodes!

To book a lactation consultation with me, visit my website: www.quabbinbirthservices.com. In many cases I can bill your insurance, or create a superbill for you to submit for reimbursement. I offer virtual consults for clients outside of my service area!

To buy books about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting, and to support the show while doing it, go to my bookshop!

Follow me on IG @lonigrosh to laugh about baby feeding (so you don’t cry) and to see photos of guests. Follow me on TikTok to answer questions of the day and ponder systemic inequities together: @lonigroshibclc


Episode 81 Learning to Ask for What You Need as a Nursing and Pumping Working Mom with Jen Larimore of Mom First


Episode 79 Tanya Tringali of Mother Wit Recalls Breastfeeding as a Young Working Mom