Episode 79 Tanya Tringali of Mother Wit Recalls Breastfeeding as a Young Working Mom

Tanya Tringali was 19 when she was pregnant and 20 when she had her baby. It took one visit with an OBGYN who didn’t treat her with respect over twenty years ago to realize there must be a better way than the traditional system of birthing– and she marched into Barnes and Nobles to read about birth. It was this decision that changed the course of her life. She not only delivered that baby at a freestanding birth center, she started her doula training just 6 weeks after that birth and has practiced as a Certified Nurse Midwife for over 15 years. She is the owner of MotherWit and the host of the MotherWit Podcast.

On this episode you will hear Tanya discuss:

  • The breastfeeding information she did and did not receive prenatally

  • Cracked nipples

  • Pumping starting 6 weeks postpartum once she returned to work

  • Low Supply with the pump (and her reflections about why this was– now over 20 years later)

  • Lack of Support for all during birth and postpartum

  • Systemic failures that impact families and practitioners

  • Trying to maintain Milk Supply during a tragedy

You can hear my Episode The Mother Wit  Podcast on Apple and on Spotify.

Head to Apple Podcasts or Spotify for more Milk Making Minutes episodes!

To see all of Tanya's services, visit her website. Follow Tanya on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/mother.wit.maternity/

To book a lactation consultation with me, visit my website: www.quabbinbirthservices.com. In many cases I can bill your insurance, or create a superbill for you to submit for reimbursement. I offer virtual consults for clients outside of my service area!

To buy books about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting, and to support the show while doing it, go to my bookshop!

Follow me on IG @lonigrosh to laugh about baby feeding (so you don’t cry) and to see photos of guests. Follow me on TikTok to answer questions of the day and ponder systemic inequities together: @lonigroshibclc


Episode 80 Weaning Part 1: Ending BodyFeeding


Episode 78 Should You Have A Private Prenatal Lactation Consultation?