The Milk Making Minutes Episode 8 Feeling Supported Despite Adjusting Baby Feeding Goals

Melissa (she/her) was a yoga instructor and took hypnobirth classes and read all the books after becoming pregnant in her late 30s for the first time. Earlier in her life she had breast reduction surgery which she knew could impact her ability to feed human milk to biological children, but didn't expect to ever give birth to her own children, so wasn't worried about it at the time. After two births that went exactly as she hoped, she struggled to provide enough milk for the first but was still welcomed for over a year by a local breastfeeding peer support group. She was producing enough milk with her second baby (who came 18 months after her first), but the baby struggled to suck strongly enough to ingest enough milk. This required her to adjust her baby feeding goals not once, but twice.


La Leche League International:

Dr. Sears Books:


The Milk Making Minutes Episode 9 Breastfeeding 4 Babies After Challenging Births wi


The Milk Making Minutes Episode 7