Episode 64 Why Does My Milk Taste Weird? What to do About High Lipase Milk
Have you ever worried that your milk doesn’t taste right? Has it smelled or tasted soapy, or “off”? Does your baby take fresh milk directly from the source just fine, or from a bottle even– but if it’s been stored for any amount of time, the milk gets rejected? Then you may be dealing with high lipase in your milk.
Listen to know what you can do about the milk you have already saved, and what you can do moving forward!
You can hear Lori’s episode where she discusses high lipase milk on Apple or on Spotify.
Head to Apple Podcasts or Spotify for more Milk Making Minutes episodes!
For resources related to High Lipase in human milk, check out Kellymom.
For Milk Making Minutes Episodes specific to pumping:
Episode 36: Increasing Milk Supply While Pumping
Episode 46: Hand Expression Simplified with Francie Webb
Episode 54: Are You Using the Right Flange Size For Your Breast Pump
Join The Milk Making Minutes Facebook Group to talk about the structural barriers that make breastfeeding so difficult and work together to chip away at each one.
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