Episode 82 Weaning Part 2: Ending Pumping

Having you been pumping for a period of days, weeks, months or years and are now ready to stop? It doesn’t matter how much milk you’ve made– you did an amazing thing by pumping milk, and only YOU know when it is time to stop. If it is time to wean from the pump, there are several approaches you can take!

Lo Nigrosh, IBCLC and mother of two breastfed babies and toddlers (who are now elementary aged) discusses:

  • Considerations for which weaning approach

  • A reminder that YOU KNOW your body best, and recommendations are just that– recommendations

  • Three sold strategies for weaning from the pump based on how flexible your work schedule is, or how prone you are to clogged ducts

Listen to Episode 46 of The Milk Making Minutes called Hand Expression Simplified wherever you get your podcasts!

Head to Apple Podcasts or Spotify for more Milk Making Minutes episodes!

To book a lactation consultation with me, visit my website: www.quabbinbirthservices.com. In many cases I can bill your insurance, or create a superbill for you to submit for reimbursement. I offer virtual consults for clients outside of my service area!

To buy books about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting, and to support the show while doing it, go to my bookshop!

Follow me on IG @lonigrosh to laugh about baby feeding (so you don’t cry) and to see photos of guests. Follow me on TikTok to answer questions of the day and ponder systemic inequities together: @lonigroshibclc


Episode 83 Breastfeeding When You Don't Feel Like Yourself and Then Finding the Right Supports with Megan


Episode 81 Learning to Ask for What You Need as a Nursing and Pumping Working Mom with Jen Larimore of Mom First