Episode 75 Adjusting the Baby Feeding Rule Book to Do What Your Body and Baby Need with Janet

Were you given a set of guidelines by nurses or lactation professionals that felt like rules? Did you ever need to stray from those guidelines in order to do what was best for your individual situation? As a professional dancer, Janet was accustomed to getting a set of rules and then following them, so it was surprising when she realized her lactation situation dictated that she she change the plan!

This week’s episode discusses:

  • Finding support during pregnancy

  • Setting goals (and adjusting them)

  • Creating a support system

  • Discussing baby feeding with family members

  • Breastfeeding toddlers

  • Managing oversupply

  • Mastitis

  • Exercising while breastfeeding

  • Lying on the floor in the grocery store to breastfeed a picky baby!

To hear episode 43 Could My Baby’s Fussiness be from Oversupply you can listen on Apple and on Spotify.

To hear Episode 32 Stop Massaging During Mastitis and What to Do Instead you can listen on Apple and on Spotify.

Head to Apple Podcasts or Spotify for more Milk Making Minutes episodes!

To book a lactation consult with me, visit my website: www.quabbinbirthservices.com. In many cases I can bill your insurance, or create a superbill for you to submit for reimbursement. I offer virtual consults for clients outside of my service area!

To buy books about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting, and to support the show while doing it, go to my bookshop!

Follow me on IG @milkmakingminutespodcast to laugh about baby feeding (so you don’t cry) and to see photos of guests. Follow me on TikTok to answer questions of the day and ponder systemic inequities together: @lonigroshibclc


Episode 76 How to Handle a Nursing Strike


Episode 74 Introducing a Bottle