Episode 28 What You Need to Know About Engorgement
On today’s brief, yet highly informative episode, our host Lo Nigrosh goes over a topic that has been presented many times by many different guests on this podcast which is, engorgement. Many of the mothers that have spoken about experiencing engorgement find it to be a bit of a mystery as well as a really uncomfortable ordeal. Why does it happen, and how do you remedy it?
This is precisely what Lo wants to cover today’s episode, as well as an account of her personal experience with engorgement. Tune in to gain some clues as to why you are, or were, experiencing engorgement and what you can do to alleviate the pressure and discomfort to allow for the right amount of milk supply for your baby.
Topics discussed in this episode:
What is engorgement
When engorgement occurs
What causes engorgement
Lo’s experience with swelling after receiving IV fluids
Ways to prevent engorgement from days 2-6
Biologically normal behavior of the baby to help milk supply
The benefits of using hand expression over pumping
When to stop expressing or pumping
How many feeds to complete before switching sides
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