The Milk Making Minutes Season 1 Episode 1 Learning to Breastfeed on the Fly with Danielle

Danielle had few expectations about feeding her babies, but had seen her mother feed her brother when she was a teenager. She learned along the way, paved the way for others, and years later, feels good about what she did for her babies. She had a goal to try breastfeeding, knowing it could be challenging while working full time. She had her children 22 months apart and learned so much from diving right in and paving the way for others. She breastfed her first for 6 months, and then switched to formula as her milk supply slowed due to her demanding work schedule. Her second she breastfed for 18 months. She said everything felt easier with the second. Having the experience under her belt made all the difference.


The Milk Making Minutes Season 1 Episode 2: Breastfeeding on an Island (and not the tropical kind) with Kelly