Episode 58 Surviving and Even Thriving While Breastfeeding During the Holidays

Are you worried about the holidays and how it will impact baby feeding and your connection with your baby? So many of us have dealt with people asking us to cover up, go into a different room, or making off-handed comments about how frequently the baby needs to nurse. Are you a lactation supporter who would like to provide a dose of inspiration to those you support as they head into the busy holiday season. Then tune into my top tips for navigating the holidays with a nursing baby or toddler and getting to the other side with grace, joy or at the very least sanity.

On this episode hear Lo’s top tips for navigating the holidays (and any gathering of people) while feeding your baby or toddler. They include:

-Setting boundaries for yourself and others

-Asking for what you need

-Permission to say “no thanks” to covering up

-Using nursing as an excuse to get away from the crowd!

-Facts about the changing composition of human milk that is perfect for a growing toddler!

To get individualized lactation support from me, Lo, go here.

To hear Episode 57 with Olivia go here.

To hear Episode 49 with Lisa Paladino and how her family changed over time go here.

To hear Episode 23 with Elyse and the sadness she felt towards never feeling comfortable breastfeeding near her family go here.

To hear Episode 1 featuring a member of my own family, Danielle discuss navigating breastfeeding in our family, go here.

Head to Apple Podcasts or Spotify for more episodes!

Join The Milk Making Minutes Facebook Group to talk about the structural barriers that make breastfeeding so difficult and work together to chip away at each one.

To buy books about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting, and to support the show while doing it, go to my bookshop!

Follow me on IG @milkmakingminutespodcast to laugh about breastfeeding and to see photos of guests!


Episode 59 Avoiding the Resentment of Being Needed with Sarah Bivens


Episode 57 When Breastfeeding Gets Questioned with Olivia of the Be Loud About Matters Podcast