Episode 56 The Power of In Person Support

Do you feel like you are parenting on an island? When you became a parent did it feel like you lost many of your friends? Does it feel like you can’t bring up your baby feeding challenges to your family?

I have heard time and again from friends, clients and guests of the podcasts that in person support made all the difference. In person support wil can make you feel like YOU’VE GOT THIS, like you aren’t alone, and like YOU ARE A GOOD parent. In person baby feeding support groups can be the lifeline you need and the start to lifelong friendships.

On this week’s episode we hear new audio from Megan who was featured on Episode 55 who shares how in person support changed the game for her. You will also hear excerpts from Joyce Kimball who was featured on Episode 33 and who shared how in person support saved her life when she was experiencing postpartum psychosis and Melissa who was featured on Episode 8. She shared how she felt so supported by a support group even when she was formula feeding.

To get individualized lactation support from me, Lo, go here.

To hear my Episode on Landscape of Loss: Haven the Podcast discussing lactation after infant loss that came out this week, listen here.

To hear Jen Burgard’s the host of that podcast tell her story of infant loss, and milk making on The Milk Making Minutes, you can hear that on Episode 51.

To read the meta-analysis of the impact of in-person support groups, head here. 

Head to Apple Podcasts or Spotify for more episodes!

Join The Milk Making Minutes Facebook Group to talk about the structural barriers that make breastfeeding so difficult and work together to chip away at each one.

To buy books about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting, and to support the show while doing it, go to my bookshop!

Follow me on IG @milkmakingminutespodcast to laugh about breastfeeding and to see photos of guests!


Episode 57 When Breastfeeding Gets Questioned with Olivia of the Be Loud About Matters Podcast


Episode 55 Birth and Breastfeeding without Fear Megan Cooper: Being Your Own Best Advocate