Episode 50 Could Your Baby Be Experiencing Tongue Tie?

Are you breastfeeding a baby who you are concerned may have tongue tie? Did someone look in their mouth in the hospital at the pediatrician or in the hospital and tell you “your baby is fine. There is no tongue tie?”

My guest episode this week featured Lisa Paladino who once was a labor and delivery nurse who knew nothing about breastfeeding, then was an IBCLC who did not believe that tongue tie was something that could impact babies. But as she said in Episode 49, “when you know better, you do better.” And she went to a conference about tongue tie just to learn a little bit about what people were just starting to talk about over 10 years ago– and now she is a tongue tie expert who teaches other tongue tie experts.

On this episode you will learn:

  • Normal tongue function in the baby

  • Who tongue tie can impact (hint– it’s not just the breastfeeding baby!)

  • The different types of tongue tie

  • The difference between symptomatic and asymptomatic tongue tie

  • Signs of symptomatic tongue tie

  • How an IBCLC can help without needing surgical intervention

  • What surgical intervention will look like

  • Aftercare of surgical intervention

Here is the episode featuring Jess (Episode 17) who suffered from severe pain due to tongue tie!

Here is my Tongue Tie Experience I shared on Lisa Paladino’s Podcast Episode 303 of The Tongue Tie Expert’s Podcast!

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Episode 51: When There is No Easy Button Exclusive Pumping and Milk Making After Infant Loss with Jen Burgard


Episode 49 Hope That Breastfeeding Outcomes Can Improve With Lisa Paladino